Monday, February 21, 2011

Wild Streak

Recently I discovered how much fun it is to have a wild streak.  So far, pink is my fav...and I sport my streaks for about a week, before they're washed completely away.
 What a pleasant surprise to hop on here before bed and find 6 encouraging comments waiting for me :)

It gave me enough courage to add a profile pic!  Imagine that!  Thanks for the love, guys.

I lost a battle with jelly beans today.

Tomorrow is a new day.  Long weekend is over.  Hubs is back to work.  Kids are back to school.  

**BONUS**  The jelly beans are almost gone :)

I'll write more after kindergarten registration...between loads of laundry...while waiting for my floors to dry.

Peace Out!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


It's the only way I can describe it.

Fifty pounds ago, I wanted to lose 10 I NEED to lose 60.  Plus I've developed high cholesterol.


How did this happen?

I like healthy foods.  I love fruits and veggies.  I'm happy to eat brown rice.  (I have celiac, so grains can be a challenge, but I'm willing to try new things and do the best I can to incorporate them into my diet.)  Rice cakes don't bother me.  I love salads.  Eating grilled chicken every day for dinner suits me just fine!  Hummus and I get along like salt -n- pepper. 


Why am I HERE?

Two words:  SWEET. TOOTH.

And it's a bad one.  Just ask my dentist.

I crave sweets.  They comfort me.  When life seems stressful, I can pop a few too many and my world feels right again within seconds.  I know, I know....why buy them?  Aside from the fact that I am raising a child with type 1 diabetes and we keep several sources of fast acting sugars on hand to treat low blood sugars...basically because....I FEEL LIKE I NEED THEM!



I start every. single. day. with good intentions.  Healthy breakfast.  Count my points. (I'm failing at Weight Watchers -- because I'm not being accountable -- not because the program doesn't work.)

And then...around 10 am...

I'm hungry.  I want something sweet.  Or salty.  Or just something to fill the void I feel because I've become such a mess.  It's all downhill after that.  I can't stop.  I can't shake the cravings.  I'm weak.

Yup.  Sabotage.